Prayer requests



March 2025

We pray for all those impacted by Hurricane Helene


 Ann & Frank Withrow

 Antje & Bill

 Bill, Ruthie's brother

 Bill & Janice Harrison

 Brenda & Kelly Weems


 Carl & Carol Greer

 Carol Perdue

 Charles & Christine McKelvy

 Dennis Cloudier

 Donna & Mike Hohnstine


 Elizabeth, friend of Rev Martha

 Elizabeth Russ & family

 Emily Buck & her family

 Forrest, Jay, Jonathan (Halsey), and Joshua

 Jim, Sylvia Miles' brother

 Jim Lambie & Libba Evans

 Joe & Judy Ritchie

 Joe & Sally Williamson

 John, Joe & Judy Ritchie's brother-in-law

 John Bassett

 Jonathan, Cynthia's son

 Kevin Orozco

 Kim Rawlings


 Lynn & Ajit


 Marie & Bob Zeringo

 Marybeth & Ned Lentz

 The Miles family



 Rita Woodruff & Angelia Miller

 Rod Pace & Louise Law


 Rudy McKnight, Wanda's brother

 Theresa March, Jann's neighbor

 Tom & Marlane Gravel, Marybeth's BIL & sister

 Wendy for healing

 YZ & Elizabeth Newberry, Cathy Davis' parents


 For safe passage for all who are traveling.

 For the victims of violence everywhere, the refugees and victims of terrorism and war throughout the world, and the victims of natural   disasters everywhere.


 In the Anglican Communion, we pray for: the Anglican Church in Central America.

 In the Diocese of Western North Carolina, we pray for: St Mark's in Gastonia.

 In our Alleghany Community, we pray for: Grace Community Church.

 We give thanks for Our Companion Church: Christ Church, Andranovory, Madagascar.

 And we pray for our Presiding Bishop, Sean, our Bishop, Jose, our Celebrant, The Rev Todd Donatelli.

Birthdays                               Anniversaries & Thanksgivings                                     Departed                                                                                                                  

 Bruce Smith

 Frank Hazard                                                                                                                                  


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