Mountain Soul

Mountain Soul first began in 2015. It was a creative endeavor that local resident & Christ Episcopal Church member, Barbara Halsey envisioned would bring our community together and provide a variety of music-focused worship events. The events were scheduled quarterly the first few years before evolving into monthly Sunday evening events. Musicians like Martha Bassett, Gretchen Peters, The Faithful Four, John McCutcheon, Robin Cater, and The Mullins Sisters are just a few of the many who played in past Mt Soul events.

The mission of Mountain Soul is to strive to be an open space for ALL people in our community to engage in worship that is centered on music and builds community. 

All Mountain Soul events will be held at Christ Episcopal Church. Seating is first come, first serve and this is a FREE event for the community. We do accept donations, though, that help with the next event.

 The Gibson Brothers were AMAZING!!

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