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History  of  Christ Church

In February 1997, a Tuesday night Bible study with six people began at the Andy and Frances Huber’s home. Over 18 months numbers grew sufficient for regular Sunday worship. On June 21, 1998, the Alleghany Episcopal Mission held its first Sunday service in the community room of Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation in downtown Sparta.

The Rev. Barry Kramer and The Rev. Chuck Blanck led the congregation in its infancy, bringing the membership together around the liturgy and traditions of the Episcopal Church.

In January 1999, the mission began sharing a church through the generosity of Antioch Methodist Church, and on July 4, 1999, Father Stanley E. McGraw officially began his tenure as priest-in-charge. Christ Church was granted full parish status at the Diocese of Western North Carolina Convention on November 9, 2000.

Through the generous donation of 10 acres of land by church members, Bill and Denise Graham, construction of a permanent church building designed by architect Tim Walters became a reality in 2002. The first service was held on Easter Sunday 2002. The church, dedicated and consecrated on April 9, 2002, was built on faith. That faith was repaid when Mary Jane and Jack Hanley issued a challenge grant to pay off the mortgage so that monies being spent on loan repayment could be freed for outreach. The congregation answered the call and on October 16, 2005, the mortgage was burned. We have a wonderful facility for worship and for implementing our outreach program. A memorial garden was completed soon afterwards. Upon Father McGraw’s retirement, Father Blanck returned as the Priest In Charge. He served until his own retirement in December 2008, when Father Kramer returned as the interim rector.

In May 2010, Christ Church hired its first full-time rector, Father Lin Walton. The Vestry prayerfully considered the covenant that was made by the original founders of the church to care for one another, to care for those less fortunate, and to stand as witness to God’s unconditional love when it issued this call to install Christ Church's first full time minister. In April 2015, Fr. Lin moved to Asheville to be a chaplain.

In April 2015, a Moravian pastor The Rev. Dr. James Doss became our Interim. He faithfully served and prepared us for welcoming a new rector until August 2016.  

The Rev. Stephanie E. Parker officially began as our rector in September 2016. Together, blessed with God’s presence and grace, the church prays to continue to be “a home for all in the sharing of God’s unconditional love” as we move forward. The Rev. Parker’s last service was August 2, 2020, as she accepted an interim rector position at another church.

Our parish has been enjoying the leadership of several supply clergy since the departure of The Rev. Parker, including The Rev. Mike Tanner, The Rev. Martha Honaker, The Rev. Rick Lawler, The Rev. Dan Wall, The Rev. Don Wiesner, The Rev. Gary Coffey, The Rev Dr. Katherine Shaner, The Rev. George Greer and The Rev. Chris Thompson.  We are currently working towards the process of calling a new clergy to our parish.

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