Tuesday, March 25
1:00 pm - Centering Prayer group
2:00 pm - Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Discussion group
Wednesday, March 26
5:00 pm - Compline with Bruce Smith & Patti Phelps
Sunday, March 30 - The Fourth Sunday in Lent
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist with the Rev Todd Donatelli
Coffee hour follows the service
Tuesday, April 1
1:00 pm - Centering Prayer group
2:00 pm - Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Discussion group
Wednesday, April 2
5:00 pm - Compline with Bruce Smith & Patti Phelps
Sunday, April 6 - The Fifth Sunday in Lent
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist with the Rev Canon Augusta Anderson
Coffee hour follows the service
Tuesday, April 8
1:00 pm - Centering Prayer group
2:00 pm - Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Discussion group
Wednesday, April 9
5:00 pm - Compline with Bruce Smith & Patti Phelps
Sunday, April 13 - Palm Sunday
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist with the Rev Dr Katherine Shaner
Coffee hour follows the service
Monday, April 14
10:00 am - Vestry meeting
Tuesday, April 15
1:00 pm - Centering Prayer group
2:00 pm - Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Discussion group
Sunday, April 18 - Good Friday
12:00 pm - Good Friday service with the Rev Mike Tanner
Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday
10:15 am - Arrive early to place your fresh flower or greenery on the wire cross
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist with the Rev Dr Katherine Shaner
Coffee hour follows the service
Tuesday, April 22
1:00 pm - Centering Prayer group
2:00 pm - Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Discussion group
Sunday, April 27 - The Second Sunday of Easter
10:30 am - Morning Prayer with Bruce Smith
Coffee hour follows the service
Tuesday, April 29
1:00 pm - Centering Prayer group
2:00 pm - Thomas Merton: Essential Writings Discussion group
Christ Church is an active, joyful, transforming, faith community that practices radical welcome.
Together we feed our minds, souls, and bodies with study, worship, and hospitality.
We are a growing fellowship of people who seek to love like Jesus.